Advanced Skin Analysis


Take a closer look.

The skin is much more complex than what can be seen with the naked eye – that’s why we use the Observ 520 for Advanced Skin Analysis. With this technology, we can view blemishes, redness and pigmentation, fine lines, dryness and uneven skin tone in depth. This allows us to better understand your unique skin concerns to treat existing imperfections, and even address underlying concerns before they become visible. 

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A better understanding.

We offer our Advanced Skin Analysis which includes a Fruit Enzyme Facial which is $40 redeemable on treatment or product on the day. The Observ 520 will take 6 different images of your skin, allowing us to better understand what your unique skin concerns. Working together with our Skin Therapists, you will be recommend with a treatment & skin care plan which is entirely customisable to your individual skin concerns, budget & schedule.