Skin Resurfacing

RF Skin Resurfacing

RF Skin Resurfacing is an advanced, non-surgical solution for skin resurfacing. It combines NanoFractional Radio Frequency technology to reduce the appearance of acne scars and other scars, stretch marks, rosacea, enlarged pores, deep wrinkles, and uneven skin texture and pigmentation.

Advanced Skin Resurfacing.

RF Skin Resurfacing treatments are powered by advanced radio frequency technology to safely correct signs of skin damage, which improves the appearance of scars, visible pores, deep wrinkles, stretch marks, and uneven skin texture. High energy is distributed through a small pin, leaving sufficient intact tissue in-between for fast wound healing & low downtime. 

Skin resurfacing treatments typically vary between 3-4 sessions, every 4-6 weeks. For wrinkle reduction treatments, most patients receive 6-8 treatments per area. The exact number of sessions depends on the individual, however your Designing Faces skin specialist will assess your skin with you each treatment. 

You can apply makeup & continue your regular skin routine 48hours after treatment. 

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