Epidermal Levelling

Epidermal levelling is a mechanical form of exfoliation, using a patent blade to gently removes the top layer of dead skin, the stratum corneum, along with fine vellus hair (peach fuzz). 

Bye, bye peach fuzz!

Pain Free Hair Removal

Hair is tapered off in the natural growth direction with a patented blade. Hair will grow back with your regular hair cycle, however, it WILL NOT grow back any darker or thicker.

Irresistibly Smooth Skin

Dead skin cells are gently exfoliated from the surface of the skin, resulting in a silky smooth complexion. Epidermal levelling can assist with product penetration & makeup application. 

Add this treatment to your regular facial or waxing appointment

The treatment is usually repeated every 4-6 weeks to maintain and continue results. This is a fantastic treatment to be added onto your regular facial or waxing appointment, or even upgraded before a special event!